Research Training Network in Model Theory
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Preprint Number 62

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62. Jeffrey Burdges and Gregory Cherlin
A generation theorem for groups of finite Morley rank

Submission date: 12 March 2007


Here we carry out the uniqueness case analysis following either a failure of generation or of a proper 2-generated core; this analysis is carried out under the most general hypotheses reasonable, $m_2(G) \geq 3$, and suffices for the planned identification of $\PSp_4$ and $\G_2$ in the $k^*$ context. We also generalize most of the work here to the $L^*$-context.

Mathematics Subject Classification: 03C60, 20G99

Keywords and phrases: uniqueness "2-generated core" "strongly embedded" "Morley rank"

Full text: pdf, dvi, ps.

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