Research Training Network in Model Theory
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Preprint Number 270

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Tuna Altinel and John S. Wilson
Linear representations of soluble groups of finite Morley rank

Submission date: 15 September 2010.


Sufficient conditions are given for groups of finite Morley rank having non-trivial torsion-free nilpotent normal subgroups to have linear rep- resentations with small kernels. In particular, centreless connected soluble groups of finite Morley rank with torsion-free Fitting subgroups have faithful linear representations. On the way, using a notion of definable weight space, we prove that certain connected soluble groups of finite Morley rank with torsion-free derived subgroup can be embedded in groups of finite Morley rank whose Fitting subgroups have definable abelian supplements.

Mathematics Subject Classification: 03C60, 20F16

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