Research Training Network in Model Theory
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Preprint Number 2690

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2690. Seyed-Mohammad Bagheri
Elements of affine model theory

Submission date: 7 August 2024


By Lindström's theorems, the expressive power of first order logic (and similarly continuous logic) is not strengthened without losing some interesting property. Weakening it, is however less harmless and has been payed attention by some authors. Affine continuous logic is the fragment of continuous logic obtained by avoiding the connectives &land; , &lor;. This reduction leads to the affinization of most basic tools and technics of continuous logic such as the ultraproduct construction, compactness theorem, type, saturation etc. The affine variant of the ultraproduct construction is the ultramean construction where ultrafilters are replaced with maximal finitely additive probability measures. A consequence of this relaxation is that compact structures with at least two elements have now proper elementary extensions. In particular, they have non-categorical theories in the new setting. Thus, a model theoretic framework for study of such structures is provided. A more remarkable aspect of this logic is that the type spaces are compact convex sets. The extreme types then play a crucial role in the study of affine theories. In this text, we present the foundations of affine continuous model theory.

Mathematics Subject Classification: 03C10, 03C20, 03C40, 03C66

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Full text arXiv 2408.03555: pdf, ps.

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