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Preprint Number 2689

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2689. Dong Quan Ngoc Nguyen
Ultra-Galois theory and an analogue of the Kronecker--Weber theorem for rational function fields over ultra-finite fields

Submission date: 4 August 2024


In the first part of this paper, we develop a general framework that permits a comparison between explicit class field theories for a family of rational function fields 𝔽_s(t) over arbitrary constant fields 𝔽_s and explicit class field theory for the rational function field 𝔎(t) over the nonprincipal ultraproduct 𝔎 of the constant fields 𝔽_s. Under an additional assumption that the constant fields 𝔽_s are perfect procyclic fields, we prove a correspondence between ramifications of primes P in 𝔎(t) and ramifications of primes P_s in 𝔽_s(t), where the P_s are primes in 𝔽_s(t) whose nonprincipal ultraproduct coincides with P.
In the second part of the paper, we are mainly concerned with rational function fields over a large class of fields, called n-th level ultra-finite fields that are a generalization of finite fields. At the 0-th level, ultra-finite fields are simply finite fields, and for an arbitrary positive integer n, an n-th level ultra-finite field is inductively defined as a nonprincipal ultraproduct of (n - 1)-th level ultra-finite fields. We develop an analogue of cyclotomic function fields for rational function fields over n-th level ultra-finite fields that generalize the works of Carlitz and Hayes for rational function fields over finite fields such that these cyclotomic function fields are in complete analogy with the classical cyclotomic fields ℚ(ζ) of the rationals ℚ. The main result in the second part of the paper is an analogue of the Kronecker--Weber theorem for rational function fields over n-th level ultra-finite fields that explicitly describes, from a model-theoretic viewpoint, the maximal abelian extension of the rational function field over a given n-th level ultra-finite field for all n ≥ 1.

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Full text arXiv 2408.02158: pdf, ps.

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