Research Training Network in Model Theory
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Preprint Number 2354

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2354. Kai Ino, Omar Leon Sanchez
Separably differentially closed fields
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Submission date: 22 February 2023


We introduce and study a new class of differential fields in positive characteristic. We call them separably differentially closed fields and demonstrate that they are the differential analogue of separably closed fields. We prove several (algebraic and model-theoretic) properties of this class. Among other things, we show that it is an elementary class, whose theory we denote SDCF, and that its completions are determined by specifying the characteristic p and the differential degree of imperfection ε. Furthermore, after adding what we call the differential λ-functions, we prove that the theory SDCFl admits quantifier elimination, is stable, and prime model extensions exist.

Mathematics Subject Classification: 12H05, 12F10, 03C10, 03C60

Keywords and phrases: differential fields, separable extensions, model theory

Full text arXiv 2302.11319: pdf, ps.

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