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Preprint Number 859

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859. Adrien Deloro and Eric Jaligot
Involutive automorphisms of N_o^o$ groups of finite Morley rank

Submission date: 17 April 2015.


Revised version of a preprint formely entitled DJ4 (Modnet preprint Number 736).

We classify a large class of small groups of finite Morley rank: Noo-groups which are the infinite analogue of Thompson's N-groups. More precisely, we constraint the 2-structure of groups of finite Morley rank containing a definable, normal, non-soluble, Noo-subgroup.

Mathematics Subject Classification: 20F11

Keywords and phrases: groups of finite Morley rank; Cherlin-Zilber conjecture; N-groups

Full text arXiv 1504.04593: pdf, ps.

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