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Preprint Number 723

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723. Krzysztof Jan Nowak
Quantifier elimination in quasianalytic structures via non-standard analysis

Submission date: 12 May 2014.


The paper is a continuation of our earlier article where we developed a theory of active and non-active infinitesimals and intended to establish quantifier elimination in quasianalytic structures. That article, however, did not attain full generality, which refers to one of its results, namely the theorem on an active infinitesimal, playing an essential role in our non-standard analysis. The general case was covered in our subsequent preprint, which constitutes a basis for the approach presented here. We also provide a quasianalytic exposition of the results concerning rectilinearization of terms and definable functions from our earlier research. It will be used to provide a quasianalytic structure corresponding to a Denjoy-Carleman class which, unlike the classical analytic structure, does not admit quantifier elimination in the language of restricted quasianalytic functions augmented merely by the reciprocal function. More precisely, we construct a plane definable curve, which demonstrates both that the classical theorem by Denef-van den Dries and \L{}ojasiewicz's theorem that every subanalytic curve is semianalytic are no longer true for quasianalytic structures. Besides rectilinearization of terms, our construction makes use of some theorems on power substitution for Denjoy-Carleman classes and on non-extendability of quasianalytic function germs. The last result relies on Grothendieck's factorization and open mapping theorems for (LF)-spaces. Note finally that this paper comprises our earlier preprints on the subject from May 2012.

Mathematics Subject Classification: 03C10, 32S45, 26E10, 03C64, 32B20, 14P15

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Full text arXiv 1405.2840: pdf, ps.

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