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Preprint Number 2694

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2694. Nigel Pynn-Coates
Tame pairs of transseries fields

Submission date: 13 August 2024


This paper concerns pairs of models of the theory of the differential field of logarithmic-exponential transseries that are tame as a pair of real closed fields. That is, the smaller model is bounded inside the larger model and there exists a standard part map. This covers for instance the differential fields of hyperseries or surreal numbers or maximal Hardy fields equipped with suitable enlargements of the differential field of transseries. The theory of such pairs is complete and model complete in a natural language and it has quantifier elimination in the same language expanded by two predicates and a standard part map. Additionally, the smaller model is purely stably embedded in the pair, and hence so is the constant field.
More generally, we study differential-Hensel-Liouville closed pre-H-fields, i.e., pre-H-fields that are differential-henselian, real closed, and closed under exponential integration, equipped with lifts of their differential residue fields, and establish similar results in that setting relative to the differential residue field.

Mathematics Subject Classification:

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Full text arXiv 2408.07033: pdf, ps.

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