Research Training Network in Model Theory
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Preprint Number 2687

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2687. Ivan Tomašić and Behrang Noohi
Galois theory of differential schemes

Submission date: 30 July 2024


Since 1883, Picard-Vessiot theory had been developed as the Galois theory of differential field extensions associated to linear differential equations. Inspired by categorical Galois theory of Janelidze, and by using novel methods of precategorical descent applied to algebraic-geometric situations, we develop a Galois theory that applies to morphisms of differential schemes, and vastly generalises the linear Picard-Vessiot theory, as well as the strongly normal theory of Kolchin.

Mathematics Subject Classification: 12H05, 18F20, 18D40, 18E50, 14L30

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Full text arXiv 2407.21147: pdf, ps.

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