Research Training Network in Model Theory
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Preprint Number 2673

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2673. Christian d'Elbée, Isabel Müller, Nicholas Ramsey, and Daoud Siniora
A two-sorted theory of nilpotent Lie algebras

Submission date: 17 July 2024


We prove the existence of a model companion of the two-sorted theory of c-nilpotent Lie algebras over a field satisfying a given theory of fields. We describe a language in which it admits relative quantifier elimination up to the field sort. Using a new criterion which does not rely on a stationary independence relation, we prove that if the field is NSOP_1, then the model companion is NSOP_4. We also prove that if the field is algebraically closed, then the model companion is c-NIP.

Mathematics Subject Classification:

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Full text arXiv 2407.12452: pdf, ps.

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