Research Training Network in Model Theory
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Preprint Number 2653

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2653. Michael Benedikt and Ehud Hrushovski
Model Equivalences

Submission date: 21 June 2024


We look at equivalence relations on the set of models of a theory -- MERs, for short -- such that the class of equivalent pairs is itself an elementary class, in a language appropriate for pairs of models. We provide many examples of definable MERs, along with the first steps of a classification theory for them. We characterize the special classes of definable MERs associated with preservation of formulas, either in classical first order logic or in continuous logic, and uncover an intrinsic role for the latter. We bring out a nontrivial relationship with interpretations (imaginary sorts), leading to a wider hierarchy of classes related to the preservation of reducts. We give results about the relationship between these classes, both for general theories and for theories satisfying additional model-theoretic properties, such as stability.

Mathematics Subject Classification:

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Full text arXiv 2406.15235: pdf, ps.

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