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Preprint Number 2465

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2465. Yuval Filmus, Eldar Fischer, Johann A. Makowsky, Vsevolod Rakita
MC-Finiteness of Restricted Set Partition Functions

Submission date: 5 August 2023


A sequence s(n) of integers is MC-finite if for every m ∈ N the sequence s^m (n) ≡ s(n) (mod m) is ultimately periodic. We discuss various ways of proving and disproving MC-finiteness. Our examples are mostly taken from set partition functions, but our methods can be applied to many more integer sequences.

Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 05A99; Secondary 05A10, 05A18, 05A99, 03C13, 11Y55.

Keywords and phrases: Set Partition Function, C-Finiteness, MC,Fniteness, Supercon- gruence, Monadic Second Order Logic, Specker-Blatter Theorem.

Full text arXiv 2302.08265: pdf, ps.

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