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Preprint Number 2450

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2450. Omar León Sánchez and Marcus Tressl
On ordinary differentially large fields

Submission date: 24 July 2023


We provide a characterisation of differentially large fields in arbitrary characteristic and a single derivation in the spirit of Blum axioms for differentially closed fields. In the case of characteristic zero, we use these axioms to characterise differential largeness in terms of being existentially closed in the differential algebraic Laurent series ring, and we prove that any large field of infinite transcendence can be equipped with a differentially large structure. As an application, we show that there is no real closed and differential field that has a prime model extension in closed ordered differential fields, unless it is itself a closed ordered differential field.

Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 12H05, 12E99. Secondary: 03C60

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Full text arXiv 2307.12977: pdf, ps.

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