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Preprint Number 2274

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2274. Akash Hossain
Extension bases in Henselian valued fields

Submission date: 4 October 2022


We give several sufficient conditions for parameter sets in a Henselian valued field of residue characteristic zero to be an extension base. This enables us in particular to show that forking coincides with dividing in (the ^{eq} expansions of) some classical valued fields of residue characteristic zero, like the ultraproducts of the p-adic fields, or the field of Laurent series over ℂ. The strategy is to look for easy sufficient conditions for some unary types to be non-forking, and then use a standard induction argument.

Mathematics Subject Classification: 03C60(Primary), 03C52, 03C45, 12J10, 12L12 (Secondary)

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Full text arXiv 2210.01567: pdf, ps.

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