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Preprint Number 2136

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2136. Lorna Gregory
Dimensions on Lattice Ordered Abelian Groups and Model Theory of Modules over Prüfer Domains

Submission date: 16 February 2022


We prove a transfer theorem which, when combined with the Jaffard-Kaplansky-Ohm Theorem, allows results in model theory of modules over Bézout domains to be translated into results over Prüfer domains via their value groups. Extending work of Puninski and Toffalori, we show that the extended positive cone of the value group of a Prüfer domain has m-dimension if and only if its lattice of pp-1-formulae has breadth (equivalently width) and that these dimensions are equal. Further, we show that the existence of these dimensions is equivalent to the lattice of pp-1-formulae having m-dimension (and hence to its Ziegler spectrum having Cantor-Bendixson rank) and the non-existence of superdecomposable pure-injective modules. Finally, we give a best possible upper bound for the m-dimension of the pp-1-lattice of a Prüfer domain in terms of the m-dimension of the extended positive cone of its value group and show that all ordinals which are not of the form λ+1 for λ a limit ordinal occur as the m-dimension of the pp-1-lattice of a Bézout domain.

Mathematics Subject Classification: 03C60, 06F20, 13F05

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Full text arXiv 2202.08339: pdf, ps.

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