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Preprint Number 1528

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1528. Benjamin Bakker, Yohan Brunebarbe, Jacob Tsimerman
o-minimal GAGA and a conjecture of Griffiths

Submission date: 29 November 2018


We prove a conjecture of Griffiths on the quasi-projectivity of images of period maps using algebraization results arising from o-minimal geometry. Specifically, we first develop a theory of analytic spaces and coherent sheaves that are definable with respect to a given o-minimal structure, and prove a GAGA-type theorem algebraizing definable coherent sheaves on complex algebraic spaces. We then combine this with algebraization theorems of Artin to show that proper definable images of complex algebraic spaces are algebraic. Applying this to period maps, we conclude that the images of period maps are quasi-projective and that the restriction of the Griffiths bundle is ample.

Mathematics Subject Classification: 14C30, 14D20, 03C64

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Full text arXiv 1811.12230: pdf, ps.

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