Research Training Network in Model Theory
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Preprint Number 1405

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1405. Anna Blaszczok, Pablo Cubides Kovacsics and Franz-Viktor Kuhlmann
On valuation independence and defectless extensions of valued fields

Submission date: 26 March 2018


In this article we further develop the theory of valuation independence and study its relation with classical notions in valuation theory such as immediate and defectless extensions. We use this general theory to settle two open questions regarding vector space defectless extensions of valued fields. Additionally, we provide a characterization of such extensions within various classes of valued fields, extending results of Françoise Delon.

Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 12L20, 12J10 and 13A18, secondary 03C98 and 12L12

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Full text arXiv 1803.09821: pdf, ps.

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