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Preprint Number 2202

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2202. James Freitag and Rémi Jaoui and Rahim Moosa
The degree of nonminimality is at most two

Submission date: 27 June 2021


It is shown that if p is a complete type of Lascar rank at least 2 over A, in the theory of differentially closed fields of characteristic zero, then there exists a pair of realisations, a_1 and a_2, such that p has a nonalgebraic forking extension over A,a_1,a_2. Moreover, if A is contained in the field of constants then p already has a nonalgebraic forking extension over A,a_1. The results are also formulated in a more general setting.

Mathematics Subject Classification: 03C45, 12H05

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Full text arXiv 2206.13450: pdf, ps.

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